Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Our Pug

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Family Dinner

Everyone thought that was precious. She knew almost all the words. Then my nephew sang Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and my other 2 year old nephew sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with his older sister and brother. It was all so adorable. After some awkward silence we all decided to sing a song together. After some begging from my Grandma, I finally agreed to sing a duet with my sister. We picked Angels We Have Heard On High and I thought we did a marvelous job. I felt my lip twitching from the nerves and I hope no one caught that on camera. Any whose....a couple of my cousins finally came around and sang some songs too. Overall I warmed up to my family and had a wonderful time. I'm glad that I forced myself to go. Everyone was really nice to me and I'm excited to see them again next year.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Holidays

It's a Wonderful Life

Every year my Grandma takes me, my sister, my aunt and one of my cousins to see the Nutcracker. We've been doing this for the past 6 years and I look forward to it. But we couldn't go this year. My aunt didn't have any weekends available this December and my Grandma didn't want to drive alone in snowy weather. I asked Carlos if he would take me but he never got around to purchasing tickets and sometimes I would like him to take some initiative.
Yesterday I went to see Princess and the Frog with my sister, niece and some other people.
My mom got me this pretty Nutcracker figurine!
And the most special gift this year was the one from Carlos! He thought that I deserved to have some diamonds so he bought me this gorgeous necklace.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I Love My Girl

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Natalie White

Mick Trimming

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Kitten Trauma

To my surprise, my sister told me I couldn't have it anymore. I was pissed. Apparently my niece didn't want to give the kitten away so they decided to keep it in a box on their porch. WTF? It was snowing! The kitten ended up running away.....go figure.

Friday, December 18, 2009
Iron Chef America

The show originated in Japan when this rich Japanese man picked three amazing Japanese chefs to challenge other chefs from Japan and around the world.
The show was known as Iron Chef. It was later brought to America by Mark Dacascos, the nephew of the rich Japanese man above.

There are currently 6 Iron Chefs on the show!
Iron Chef Bobby Flay

Bobby is my favorite. I kinda have a crush. Nothing sexual. I just think he has a sweet face and a sweet personality. He seems like someone who would be really nice in person if you were ever to meet him.
Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto

He is one of the original Iron Chefs from Japan.
Iron Chef Mario Batali
Iron Chef Cat Cora
Carlos' favorite cause he thinks she is kinda hot.
Iron Chef Michael Symon
My other favorite cause he has a nice personality too.
and Iron Chef Jose Garces
the newest member of the cast. He just won The Next Iron Chef competition.
So basically a chef from America comes to the show to challenge the Iron Chef of their choice. Each chef then has 60 minutes to cook and plate 5 courses. There is always a secret ingredient that needs to be incorporated in each of the 5 dishes in some way. The secret ingredient could be anything as simple as sugar or something complex as eel. The chairman decides what the secret ingredient will be.
60 minutes to cook and plate 5 courses? Crazy! How do they do it? Each chef has 2 sous chefs to help with the preparation.
There are 3 judges that will award points in 3 categories: Taste, Plating, and Originality of the secret ingredient. The Iron Chef almost always wins.
Sometimes there is a twist where they will have two Iron Chefs battle each other or sometimes they will team up Iron Chefs and battle each other. It's fun. I love this show. I watch it on Sunday. It's made me want to cook more and more. Check it out! You'll love it too!
Don't watch hungry!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I'm Back
One day I discovered that our computer no longer had Internet access. I had Carlos come look at it and he isn't exactly a computer genius so he couldn't figure it out. Some how we got kicked off the wireless connection we had been using and we needed a password to get back on. It only took about 3 months for us to finally get a wireless router! Carlos is super busy with his job and never had time to get one. I finally asked my little brother to buy one and voila....I'm back!!!

I gave up and pulled out The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, my all time favorite! I hadn't played it since I was in High School so it took me a while to finish the game and get through the Temples but I did it! My little brother came over today after his finals and he started playing Twilight Princess. It got me in the mood so I started a game after he left. I hadn't played since September 2007.

I went home to Texas for a few days back in October. It was fun for me to visit my parents and just relax and watch movies with my mom. We spent our days watching Avonlea and BBC movies like Wives and Daughters and Northanger Abbey!

I love that time period! Mostly the clothes!
All my shows are ending! Sadness! Dancing With The Stars ended last month and So You Think You Can Dance ended last night. I have nothing to watch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights now. I still have Survivor and Fringe on Thursday and Sunday is Food Network day. I started watching The Vampire Diaries this week. I didn't want to watch the show when it started because I thought they were copying Twilight! Wrong! The Vampire Diaries is even better in my opinion. They started a marathon this week and I decided to watch it. I'm addicted now. The new season starts in January!! Yipee....I can't wait.
Speaking of Vampires.......

I've seen New Moon twice and I love it! I think it is so much better than Twilight. The make up and the special effects are loads better. Bella and Edward still suck at acting but Jacob's hot body make the movie worth watching. My only real complaint about the movie is when Bella is having her nightmares and screams in her sleep. I think Kristen could have done a better job on her acting. I also think they should have had ALL the werewolves work out and get buff. Jacob is the only one that looks buff in my opinion. The others are skinny and Sam had a gut which is totally unacceptable in my opinion since he is the current Alpha.

So just a little catch up on my life! I plan on blogging regularly again so be sure to check in from time to time.
PS: Carlos tells me that he LOVES me more and more everyday. The first time he said it I don't think he really meant it. But now he definitely does. He is my sweet cheeks and I love him.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
HE LOVES ME!!!!!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009
Oh Where Oh Where Could Cottonwood Be?

I was asked to attend a Sofft Shoe training that was being held at our Cottonwood location last Thursday. I had never been there but I was sure that I could find the place if I googled or yahooed some directions. My department manager lives over in that part of town and used to work as HR for the Cottonwood location. I politely asked her for directions and she willingly drew me a map. She didn't have time to explain her map but I was able to read it and I figured I could get better directions online anyway. When I got home from work the first thing I did was get a yahoo map. It seemed simple enough....take exit this and then take exit that. Turn left on street blah blah blah and so on. The last direction it gave was: Bear right on street blah blah blah and arrive at destination. My managers hand drawn map kinda showed the same thing. My manager urged me to give myself an hour and 15 minutes to get there because of the morning traffic. Easy enough right? So I told Carlos that we needed to be backing out of his apartment complex no later than 7:30 am. I needed to drop him off at work before I headed up to Salt Lake. I knew that dropping him off first would only give myself an hour to get there but I was sure I would have no problem finding the place and I happen to have a lead foot too. After dropping Carlos off at his workplace I quickly got on the freeway and headed to Cottonwood. The traffic wasn't that bad and I wove through the traffic with ease. I was making better time than I thought I would. I took all the exits that were indicated in the directions and I finally turned left onto street blah blah blah where I needed to bear right. I thought for sure I would see the mall on the side of the road. The address was 4800 South (or something like that) and I kept going through lights that were 6500 S and then 6300 S. I kept going expecting to see a light sign that read 4800 something with the mall coming to my view. It was a nice area and there was a nice newish looking Gold's Gym on my left. I thought fondly of the gym as I drove past it (Carlos works for Gold's). I kept on driving until I noticed that the next light read 1000 East or something weird. Then I noticed that I was on Van Winkle instead of street blah blah blah (I can't remember what the street was really called). When did my street turn into Van Winkle. Where the heck was I supposed to bear right? I never saw a mall on the side of the road. My managers map made it look like I would run into the place. I turned around and tried to find the place. I kept going back and forth of street blah blah blah trying to figure out where the heck I was supposed to bear right. Feeling extremely frustrated I texted my co-worker who was going to the same training. He had just barely pulled into the mall parking lot when he received my text. He called me and asked where I was. He tried to figure out where I could possibly be but he really had no clue. We finally agreed to find a place to meet. We found each other and I was able to follow him to the mall. I would have never found that place without his help. The spot where we were supposed to "bear right" was actually 6100 South. Then you drive down that street for miles before you even see the stupid mall. I was pissed! Why the heck didn't the directions say turn right at 6100 South and arrive at destination? What the heck was "bear right" for? That was stupid. It would have been so much easier for me if the directions had said which street I was actually supposed to turn on. Luckily I do drive fast and even with the time I lost being lost we were only 5 minutes late. Not too bad! At least I will now where to bear right the next time I have to visit Cottonwood! I'm a pro now!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Successful Cooking and Another Good Book

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Nurse Jackie