I'm sure I've mentioned in the past that Carlos is a really good cook! He makes just about everything that I eat and he likes feeding me. I've encouraged him to go to culinary school. I think he would do great! Carlos likes to cook according to how he is feeling. He has never used a recipe ever! He reminds me a lot of Ratatouille! Me on the other hand....I'm a horrible cook. I don't know what spices can be mixed together and all that jazz. I'm a recipe follower all the way. Several days ago he told me he was hungry and he asked me to make him some eggs. My eggs have never turned out good and I don't mind eating my own catastrophe but I would never subject anyone else to them. So of course I declined to make him some eggs that day. I don't think he was too happy with me cause I think he wanted me to take care of him for a change. On Sunday he asked me if I would make him some breakfast and I declined again knowing all we had was eggs or cereal. He didn't seem too happy with me yet again. I felt bad and so I stormed into the kitchen and cracked him some eggs. I added some milk and cheese and a pinch of garlic powder and started to scramble away. He came into the kitchen and asked me what I was doing and I told him I was cooking his breakfast. The biggest smile spread across his face. I warmed up a tortilla and slapped the eggs on top and served it to him with a glass of juice! I was super nervous that they would taste horrible and so I grabbed a small portion of the egg to taste before he ate the disaster. It was delicious!! I was surprised that it was good...my eggs turned out great. Carlos loved them too!! He practically breathed them in! Later that night I cooked lasagna for dinner and invited my little brother over. My little bro had really helped me out the last few weeks when my car was getting some repairs done and I wanted to thank him for his help. I decided that my brother would enjoy a little taste of home so I pulled out my moms lasagna recipe and got to work. My mom is not a gourmet cook or a good cook at all really but her spaghetti sauce (which is used for the lasagna) is the best sauce I have ever tasted. I grew up with it and I will never love another sauce as much as my moms. But being a little biased I was nervous that Carlos wouldn't like it with his gourmet taste buds. I served up the lasagna and to my surprise....Carlos had 2 more helpings after the first. He loved it. He even took a few pieces to work the other day to feed one of his employees and everyone at his work wanted a bite! He has begged me to make it again but add some more vegetables. I'm so happy that my meals satisfied him so much!

A while ago I mentioned that I read a book called The Girl Next Door. It was so good that I finished it in two days. Right after I finished the book I started reading another one by the same author, Lost Innocents!

This one took me a while to get into and I didn't read it as fast as the first. The other book captivated me on the first chapter but this one was a little slower in introducing the characters. In fact there were too many characters and each chapter introduced someone new. But by the middle of the book in started to get really good. I was finally satisfied with the book and I
couldn't put it down. I finished it last night and I loved it.
PS I started this post on Monday but finished and published on Wednesday Sept. 2!
mmmmmmmmm...this post made me hungry. I think I might need that egg and lasagna recipe. I'm so glad Carlos loved your cooking. I'm super impressed that you made lasagna. I think it's hard to make. Way to Go!
That's the one thing that satisfies me the most, someone enjoying something I cook.
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