Friday, May 15, 2009

My Near Death Experience

In my last post I answered a "yes" to a near death experience. I thought I would explain why I put a yes for that question.
I've never really been in any serious near death experiences but there were times when I could have died or thought I was going to be killed!
I remember a time when I was a young girl where my family was on a family vacation. It was Christmas time and we were driving to Pennsylvania to visit family. The snow was really bad and my dad was having a hard time seeing the road. I was asleep in the back of the station wagon with the rest of my siblings when I felt the car spin out of control and heard both of my parents scream! It was pretty scary. My mom told us that we almost died!
There was this other time when I was also a young girl and I was playing in the backyard. My mom didn't like us playing in the front yard all that much because there was no fence to keep us safe. Anyway I was playing in the backyard and my mom got this prompting to have me play in the front yard. I listened to my mom and went to the front yard to play and shortly after I left, a huge tree branch fell and landed on the ground right where I had been playing in the backyard. I was a small girl and this branch was really big so if it had landed on me I could have been seriously injured!
When I was 19 years old I drove to Downtown Houston with one of my girlfriends to go to a singles dance. We usually car pooled with other single people from our stake institute but I had to work late that night and so we decided to drive ourselves. We forgot what exit we were supposed to take and we ended up taking the wrong one. We were so lost. We stopped at a gas station to ask for directions but the employees were behind a bullet proof glass wall. We were really freaked out by that. We walked back to the car and it was surrounded by crazy men that were looking us up and down and whistling at us. It was really scary! I thought we were going to get shot or raped!!
I overdosed on medicine once by complete accident!! Nothing happened but I remember being really freaked out when I discovered that it was a miracle I woke up in the morning!
So nothing too serious but they are reasons to fear death!

1 comment:

Kami said...

Oh my gosh! Scary! I'm glad you are still alive, and none of those things really did damage.