So the next time someone calls me and elf...I am going to visualize myself as one of these.....

Let The Adventure Begin
My older brother got me into this show and I've been addicted ever since. I love everything about this show except maybe Fran's voice. But who notices that when you are having a good laugh? I love the story line and all the characters! This show is the best! I currently own the first 3 seasons which is amazing since they are impossible to find!
I absolutely love Doug! Even though some of the people are green and purple this show always taught a valuable lesson. I love everything about this show. I wish they still played it.
This show was so creative!!! I love the characters and the awesome world they live it.
Sailor Moon
The only anime that I absolutely love! I would actually love to get all the season for this show but I'm afraid my boy friend would make fun of me.
Ooh-La-La Tuxedo Max....
This show was so cute! I just loved the adventures these babies went on with their imaginations!
What were some of the shows you watched?
Gillis and Cheryl
I've been voting for Shawn and Mark all season but I'm afraid that the mirror ball trophy will go to either Melissa or Gillis. I'm pretty sure that they have better fan bases and the judges love them more than Shawn.
Shawn is young and I think the judges look down on that. Despite the fact that she is young I think that she has danced the best on this show this season. The athletes always do well on Dancing With The Stars. Her technique is amazing and I hope that she shines tomorrow night.
Melissa did ballet as a young girl and she has brought that technique to the competition. She is a very talented dancer but I think the trophy should go to someone that has no previous dancing experience. It would be like me going on the show with my 12 years dance experience and winning over 12 other people that have never danced before and might be twice my age. It doesn't seem fair for her to win.
Gillis would probably deserve this win the most because he is no athlete and no dancer. He won the judges' hearts from the very beginning. However, he hasn't been very versatile. He does very well on the Latin dances but his ballroom isn't very good. He does well with the sexy dances but his jive and jitter bug kind of dances are lame.
It will be exciting to see these three dancers tomorrow night! I'm hoping that Shawn with perform perfectly and that the judges will be nice and judge fairly.
Wish Shawn and Mark Good Luck for me!
You could always vote for them too: 1-800-868-3409
4. Glazed Blueberry Doughnut at Krispy Kreme
5. Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino
6. Ritz Crackers
8. Capri Sun- Wild Cherry
12. Quaker Natural Granola
18. My Mom's Homemade Spaghetti
19. Sandwiches
20. My Boyfriend's Omelet
There are plenty more foods that bring me comfort but these are the ones that I could think of! I'm hungry now!!!
I love taking pictures too! What would I do without a camera?
And yes I'm a goofball for taking all these pictures with different angles!
She loves to sleep on the bed. I love having a lap cat. She doesn't like to be held but she sits on my lap when I watch TV and sit on the couch. I hear she sleeps on the bed at night too. Sweet huh? As cute as she may be...Kitty was really bad the other day and she hurt her father. She was getting into a bonsai tree that Carlos is making and he kinda yelled at her. She went crazy and attacked his hand really bad. I didn't see this happen but he told me that one of her claws was embedded in his flesh. Gross! His hand is pretty scratched up. Even though she was bad...we still love her and for the most part she is an angel. To me at least!! ;-p