Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Newest Obsession

I don't know what it is but I've become completely obsessed with baking cakes and cookies. I have made 2 cakes and some brownie cookie things since I've moved into the apartment I'm living in which hasn't even been a month yet. I think that is a lot of baking since I work full time and I really only sleep here. What is sad is I would have baked more but I don't want my room mates to think I'm crazy or something. I just now finished baking a cake. I plan on having a piece in a few. I'm supposed to be cooking dinner with a friend tomorrow and I will be baking a cake for our dessert. Crazy huh? I just can't get enough. I just want to be in the kitchen baking yummy things that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you eat it. I happened to come across a picture of some cookies that looked delicious!

Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Cookies

I copied down the recipe and I will share it with everyone if they taste as good as they look when I've made them. I don't know how long this obsession will last but hopefully it will be long enough for me to try these cookies.


Kami said...

I love baking and cooking fun stuff too. It is so rewarding. I hope those cookies turn out great.

Melanie said...

oohh baking, I bake like crap, at least I can cook, at least I like the things I cook for myself.