I didn't think I could possibly find a TV show that I liked as much as Dancing With The Stars but I think I found a match. So You Think You Can Dance is Amazing!!! I've been watching it since they finished the auditions and started the show with the top 20. All 20 dancers were amazing and it is really hard to pick a person to vote for. Every week I vote for someone else. On Dancing With The Stars I pick the person I want to vote for after week one and I consistently vote for that person the entire season. With So You Think You Can Dance I change my mind every week. Because they are all amazing dancers I have to base my vote decision on the choreography. Their fate relies entirely on the choreography for me. So it really sucks if they pick a really sucky dance and the choreography is weird or lame. Lucky for them I was a dancer and I know what is difficult so I might be kind to some of the dancers if they were good even at a sucky dance.
So far my favorite couple is Evan and Randi!

They consistently amaze me week by week. They always perform perfection in my eyes and I think they have the best chemistry. Besides that...Evan is a Utah boy and so I have to vote for him for that reason. Good thing he dances so well. Randi really captures the character she is portraying. I think she does the best at capturing the essence of the dance! Their Samba tonight was HOT cause of Randi!

Brandon and Jenette are my third favorite couple. They cease to amaze me week after week. Brandon reminds me a lot of a guy I danced with when I was dancing and that brings me comfort. They also perform flawless and I have loved all their dances. 

Caitlin and Jason are amazing dancers individually but I don't think they have great chemistry at all. The first week they did a Bollywood dance that was phenomenal. I fell in love with them at that moment. However, they have not captivated me since that dance. They get worse and worse and luckily they escape elimination each week. Tonight they performed a Fox Trot that really impressed me. Best dance they have done together.

Jeanine and Phillip are so cute. I love them as a couple. Jeanine is fabulous and I think she is absolutely gorgeous. Philip is the best hip hop dancer out of all the dancers. However, he has a hard time adapting to the other styles of dance and it drags the couple down. They did a traditional Russian dance that the judges hated, but I loved it cause I know how hard some of that stuff is and I thought Philip was amazing. I hope he keeps stepping it up cause I really like them as a couple.

Kayla and Kupono are my least favorite couple on the show. I can't stand Kayla at all. She really gets under my skin. She is probably the best female dancer out of all of them but she annoys me for some strange reason. Kupono is probably my favorite guy and it saddens me that he is partnered with Kayla. They performed a piece tonight about addiction. Kupono was the addiction and Kayla was trying to get away from it. I didn't particularly like the choreography but I loved the story of the dance. They both put so much emotion into it and it was fabulous.
I love this show and I look forward to watch it every Wednesday. Next week they switch partners and I'm excited to see who everyone gets partnered with!!
I'm so glad you like this show! Randi and Evan are my favorites too! I agree that the Bollywood was AMAZING, but I haven't seen that couple do anything else awesome, so sad.
I'm surprised you had never watched it, it's been on for several seasons now. I think I watched a couple episodes from the second season. I don't really know what to look for so I don't watch it anymore.
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