My 4th of July started with me going to work at 9 in the morning. Management at Macy's really sucks right now and so the pin head of a manager that I have didn't get anyone to work during the day with me so I worked on a holiday by myself until 3:15. Lucky me right? I finally left work at 5 and headed over to see Carlos and Cameron. I can't actually remember what we did after I got there. I know we played a little Guitar Hero and we probably watched some TV. We decided to watch the fire works from the Stadium of Fire so we headed off in the car to find a nice hill to watch them from. We found a nice hill and watched the fire works and then we went to get some fast food to finish the celebration. So my 4th of July wasn't the best ever but I got to spend some time with the man I care about and his son.
How was your holiday?
It doesn't sound bad.. minus stupid work! :p It sucks you had to work alone! Should've suckered Krystal into helping ya! ;)
At least the second half of the day was nice. This 4th of July was kinda a bummer for me too.
I had a cranky baby and went to bed early with no fireworks. It was a pretty lame fourth for me too.
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