I've been really busy with school, work and my crazy relationship that I haven't had time to post on my blog lately. I've been working almost 15 hour days since black Friday and I've been extremely exhausted. I thought it would be nice to have one nice post to catch up a bit on my life.
For my Interior Design class I had to do a final project and a final exam. For our final project we had to design an executive office for a made up client. We had to design a company logo for both our designing firm and our clients company. Then we had to come up with our clients age, sex, job title, education and family situation. Our office design was required to have a desk area, conference area and a lounge area. We were also required to draw up a floor plan by hand in a 1/4 " scale.
My Client
My company is K~Design and my partner and I started the company 3 years ago. I personally took on the design of this office. My client was Corissa Burns who is a Jr. Accountant for Burns Accounting (where they are the key to your financial success) which is owned by her father and uncle. Corissa received her Masters in Accountancy at Brigham Young University which is one of the top ten accounting colleges in the United States. Corissa is 27 years old and recently engaged to be married. As a wedding present, her fiance asked me to design her new office.

Here are my presentation boards of Corissa's Office with all furniture choices and samples of paint colors, case goods, flooring and upholstery. Corissa wanted a very traditional and classic look for her office. She also wanted me to bring in influences of the Queen Anne time period with my furniture choices.
Board #1

My first board presents the floor plan (kinda hard to see in this picture), most office finishes, and the furniture for the desk area. All four walls in the office will be painted in the darker neutral color presented on this board while the ceiling will be painted the lighter tint of the wall color also presented here. The carpet will be a dark brown while all the case goods will be in cherry. Both the swivel desk chair and the two guest chairs (situated in front of the desk) will be upholstered in this tan colored washable suede. To bring in some Queen Anne influences I choice these chairs because they have cabriolle legs and Queen Anne arms.
Board #2
My second board presents the conference and lounge areas with all their finishes. I chose a 42" round conference table since Corissa didn't have a huge need for a large conference table. Most of the company meetings take place in her father's office. We also chose 4 Queen Anne chairs (identical to the guest chairs on previous board, only without the tufting) to be situated around the conference table. All four chairs will be upholstered in the paisley/damask patterned fabric shown in the bottom middle of the board. For the lounge area I chose a settee to situated on the left side wall of the office. The magazine table will placed in front of the settee while two fish aquariums will flank each side of the settee. I selected two wing back chairs to be placed on each side of the magazine table. Both the chairs and the settee will be upholstered in a rich red velvet which was a popular textile in the Queen Anne time period. The same upholstery that I used on the conference table chairs will be used as throw pillows on the settee. I hope you liked my design of Corissa's office. I know my teacher did cause she gave me a 100 on this project!!
I also received a 100 on my final exam for this class. I ended the semester with a 99 which I think is pretty amazing and impressive!!!! I loved this class!!! For my College Algebra class I had to get a 65 or higher on my final exam to get an "A" in the class. I thought I would be able to pull that off but I was unable to study for the final. I was going through all my Alex crap around this time and couldn't focus long enough to study. I thought I aced most of the final but there was this one cruel word problem that I ended up skipping completely!!! I was worried that I might have made a few minor errors on some other problems but I felt good that I got my 65 or HIGHER. My only concern was that my teacher refused to email us our final grades and if we wanted to know our grade we had to visit her in her office during office hours. I was unable to visit her during office hours because my jobs started scheduling me during the day when my finals were over. Luckily...I ended up getting an "A" in the class so I'm satisfied. I was able to maintain my 4.0 GPA for my second semester in a row. YEAH!!!!
Like I mentioned earlier....I've been working A LOT of hours this holiday season. What else is to be expected when I work in retail? I've been starting most shifts at 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning and ending my shifts around 11 at night. Yesterday I didn't get out of work until after midnight. Yikes!!! It was amazing having a day off today and luckily the mall closes early tomorrow for Christmas Eve. I've had to deal with a lot of angry customers but I've managed to be nice to most of them. Palais Royal has been much busier than Gymboree. I also happen to work in the busiest department in Palais Royal so there hasn't been a dull moment yet. I've definitely been working hard for my money. We've had a lot of WEAK individuals quit on us this past week because they couldn't handle all the work. Oh well!!!! It's almost over!!!
We've definitely had our ups and downs these past 2 1/2-3 weeks. I don't really care to discuss Alex's and my relationship at this time but we're doing alright. I still don't think we're doing as well as we were doing before he broke up with me but we still care about each other and so we're working on our little problems.
When I woke up this morning my parents informed me that a robber tried to break into our next neighbors house around 2 in the morning. The cops were all up and down our street trying to find the guy. He was trying to unscrew my neighbors window and it woke her up. Apparently he had already broken into other houses in the neighborhood and the cops were called. My parents were a little spooked today and so we've all agreed to keep the doors and windows locked. Keep us in your prayers. We also had a riot today at the mall. Of course it had to happen on the day that I'm off work. My boss called me today to tell me about it. I guess some people were angry that a store ran out of stock of the new Jordans and so thus a riot broke out. Mall security had Palais Royal close the gates to the store. She told me that trashy black people were running through the mall yelling tantrums. She also told me that people were getting trampled by the mob of crazy people. I guess it was so bad that all the windows in our store were shaking and my boss was scared the class was going to break in the windows. Craziness!!!
I hope everyone is having a Happy Holiday!