With today being the 5th Sunday of the month, we had a special combined Relief Society/ Priesthood lesson. Greg Olsen was our guest speaker today and it was amazing. I had the opportunity to help Greg once when he was buying some dishes for a picture he was painting. I was working at Dillard's at the time. It was a great experience helping him and his wife with their purchase. Today was a different experience for me. Greg had a slide show of his different paintings and he was telling stories of each one. It was interesting to hear the views of the artist. This particular painting is called "In His Constant Care" and it happens to be one of mine and Grant's favorites. I plan on having this picture in my house some day. The story behind this picture wasn't one of the most interesting ones told, but it still has a sweet message. It is kinda hard to see in this picture but Jesus is reaching out to some sparrows on a branch. Greg referenced this scripture from the New Testament, "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?" Luke 12:6. I just think it is sweet that even the the smallest creatures are of worth in the Saviors eyes. I love my Savior very much and I know he loves me too!