I just wanted to thank a few people for the dog advice they gave me. I've never had a dog so any advice you can give me will be much appreciated. Carlos grew up with dogs so I think we will be fine.
I do have a name picked out but I don't want to tell anyone the name until I have held her in my arms. We also plan on having her spayed but we are waiting until after she has her first period. Carlos told me that if she gets spayed before she has a period then she will always be a puppy and her body won't go through that change. Not sure if that is true but anyway!
Awwww...you guys are going to be really good parents, I can tell. I'm super excited for you. Any time you need advice, I'll be happy to help. Just call or send a text, and I'll be sure to answer.
I read the comment on the last blog from your friend. She is right. Potty training will be frustrating. I have a book written by Cesar Milan (The Dog Whisperer) I would highly recommend it. It talks about how to take handle your dog and gives steps. He also talks about puppies and what stages puppies grow out of things. You can borrow it if you want, I own it. I could drop it off to you at Macys or something. It's called A Member of the Family.
I highly reccomend against waiting for her first heat. Not only do you risk a pregnancy (let me tell you, dogs in heat are hard to contain and even harder to keep the boys out of the neighborhood) but her risks of mammory cancer later in life almost double! We had Lowla done at 10 weeks (which I think was soon but we weren't allowed to take her home without it done) but I believe 6 months is a typical frame of time to wait but there's no research to suggest sooner does any harm, only waiting too long will. Good luck, can't wait to hear her name! Oh if you ever have any questions or need help, there's a great forum with lots of knowledgable people: www.chazhound.com/forums
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